Early accepted papers at MICCAI 2023

Early accepted papers at MICCAI 2023

Our group has two early accepted papers at MICCAI 2023:

“Domain-agnostic segmentation of thalamic nuclei from joint structural and diffusion MRI” (Henry Tregidgo et al): presents a neural network that segments the thalamic nuclei from structural scans (T1) and diffusion MRI acquired with pretty much any set of directions and b-values
[see preprint on ArXiv]
[open-source implementation in FreeSurfer]

“Cortical analysis of heterogeneous clinical brain MRI scans for large-scale neuroimaging studies” (Karthik Gopinath et al): presents a method to run FreeSurfer’s recon-all on clinical scans of any resolution of contrast [see preprint on ArXiv]
[open-source implementation in FreeSurfer]

Congrats to Henry, Karthik, and everyone else!